We work closely with the Executive team, leaders across the organisation, and team members to help foster a cohesive environment where people can thrive and work to their full potential. We work alongside the business to set policies and practices that foster inclusivity, diversity, fairness, wellness and success. The People team exists to support leaders and team members alike across all cycles of the employee experience, from recruitment, onboarding, performance, learning and development, and engagement. Also known as People & Culture, the team continues to support a positive and engaging work place.

We work with business leaders to help increase employee retention and drive employee engagement by making sure they are fairly treated and that their professional development is valued. Fostering loyal, motivated employees helps to drive a business to success.The Learning & Development team (L&D) is also in the HR Department, and helps ensure that we offer great opportunities for on-the-job learning and development, career growth and soft skills training. This is provided through a mix of in-person, supportive classroom sessions as well as e-learning modules in SkillMinder.